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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Whewww! That was Christmas!

Whewww! That was Christmas! I pulled a card Christmas morning to guide me through the day. It was The Death card number 13. Yikes! But you know, for many of us, those who are missing on Christmas day are as close to us as any other day of the year. Buying presents, we reflect on what we would buy for those who have passed over. Sitting down to supper many of us say a prayer quietly or out loud reflecting on those who have passed. Emotions run awfully high at this time of year. Another widow and I were discussing the difficulty of rebuilding our life after our husband's death. We are encouraged to 'get back to normal'. There is no normal after your partner dies. What was normal is gone. Christmas is a reminder that we must create new traditons that evolve into our new 'normal'. This takes time. And until we create the new, we are often in limbo. We are just not sure what to do or what happened to our life. The number 13 reduces to 4. As such the Death card suggests finding your foundation as life undergoes transformation. Christmas as the celebration of Christ's birth is about the laying down of a foundation of a new way of living. And so the Death card for those who have lost someone important is appropriate on Christmas day and suggests hope, love and light coming from change. Call me if grief is overwhelming you these days. Or if you want to build a new solid foundation from difficult times. All the Best in 2010.

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