Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How can I be a better candle?

This blog is part of a Tarot Blog Hop on the topic "How Can I Be a Better Candle?" The blog before mine is written by Louise and you can find her at http://www.priestesstarot.co.uk/

From Marilyn to you:
The best part about February in southeastern Ontario Canada is that the days are ever so slightly longer. I notice it more at the supper hour than in the morning. Years ago, as I crossed the parking lot coming out of work at the end of my work day, the lingering light in the sky filled me with hope that the sun was on its way back to warm the land and my soul.  At the time, I did not know that people for hundreds of years had celebrated this wondrous event. I was content to know if the groundhog had seen his shadow. Now, I happily open my heart to the wonders of nature and the turn of the wheel accepting the guidance of those who know.
This opening of my heart to other ways of celebrating the sacred has had the added benefit of making me a better candle. Opening rather than closing to more sacred practice has helped me find out where I fit. When I know in my heart that I am indeed a small but important link to all that happens in our world, my light shines. I can be a better candle when I ask myself a few simple questions. How does this return of the sun benefit us all? How does it show that we are all connected?
Thoth's Hermit has always struck me as the busiest most illuminatted Hermit card created. That is a purely personal reflection of course. As a Virgo, the Hermit has always felt comfortable to me. I like that the Hermit's light illuminates our inner self and yet offers a beacon of hope to any who see it. Thoth's card seems to be moving rapidly rather than the still image of the Rider Waite Smith deck. Just because we appear to be in deep freeze or reflection does not mean that there is not a lot going on beneath the surface. Deep in our subconscious a light may finally shine on that frozen thing that will allow me to move forward.
When I read for people, I offer them the opportunity to be still, listen, yet actively search and warm that frozen part of themself. Tarot through my efforts to illuminate the message can help people see their own amazing light. If my heart is open and full of light it works all the better. Opening my heart, using my tools makes me a better candle.
Now hop on over to Matt at:


  1. "Other ways of celebrating the sacred".


    I so needed that in my head today. Thank youk Marilyn. You just lit up my world.

  2. A beautiful post, Marilyn, and it mirrors my exprience of this time of the year. So good to be on the Blog Hop with you and your fearlessness! Will I see you at Readers Studio

    1. Hi Caroylyn: Thank you! I am not going to RS'12. I am planning to attend the Gaian Retreat in September though.

  3. Oh, now I need to pull out the Thoth's Hermit, just to go and see what you mean! Thanks for making me go and look this out :)

  4. I didn't know that it can be possible to be come a "better candle". This is a highly informative post and the next I sign in to a psychic readings by phone session, I will bring this topic up with my expert/ Good post!

  5. You share some important insight about the tarot cards. This is a powerful and meaningful blog post.

    I like to use tarot cards when I do psychic readings, for people.
